UA6089 United Airlines - Flight Status
Below, you can find details about United Airlines flight UA6089, which currently operates between the airports of Houston - Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport (Airport Code IAH) and Midland - Midland International Air and Space Port (Airport Code MAF).
This flight data pertains specifically to the flight's details for Saturday, February 08, 2025.
Table of contents:
Flight Status Codeshare Flights Additional Information Alternative Flights Punctuality and delays Last Past Flights UA6089
Flight Status Codeshare Flights Additional Information Alternative Flights Punctuality and delays Last Past Flights UA6089
UA6089 On Time performance:
We have calculated the percentage of flights that arrived within 15 minutes of their scheduled time, or earlier, based on real flight data from the last 3 months. More about punctuality and delays Flight Status
UA6089 United Airlines to Midland
This flight is not scheduled for February 08, 2025.
This flight is not scheduled for February 08, 2025.
Houston (IAH)
February 05, 2025
Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport
Midland (MAF)
February 05, 2025
Midland International Air and Space Port
The information displayed on this website is gathered from third-party providers with a wide reputation on the sector, which in turn obtain the information from the airlines. This data is provided only for informative purposes. assumes no responsibility for loss or damage as a result of relying on information posted here. Please contact your airline to verify flight status.
Codeshare Flights
This flight is shared with other airlines, this means that these other flights are the same:
- AC4651 - Air Canada
- CM1559 - Copa Airlines
- LH8698 - Lufthansa
- NZ6567 - Air New Zealand
Additional Information
Which is the frequency of flight UA6089?
The flight UA6089 is scheduled to flight on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday on a weekly basis.
Which is the distance of flight UA6089?
The distance between the two airports is 429 miles.
Which is the flight time of flight UA6089?
The scheduled flight time gate to gate is: 01:43 hours.
The real flight time gate to gate on average is: 01:34 hours.
Are the departure airport and arrival airport at the same Time Zone?
Yes, both airports are in the same timezone.
The flight UA6089 is scheduled to flight on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday on a weekly basis.
Which is the distance of flight UA6089?
The distance between the two airports is 429 miles.
Which is the flight time of flight UA6089?
The scheduled flight time gate to gate is: 01:43 hours.
The real flight time gate to gate on average is: 01:34 hours.
Are the departure airport and arrival airport at the same Time Zone?
Yes, both airports are in the same timezone.
Alternative Flights
The following airlines serves the same route between Houston and Midland:
- Flight Number: CON100. (On Time performance: 40 - Average Delay: 34 minutes)
United Airlines
- Flight Number: UA1396. (On Time performance: 65 - Average Delay: 13 minutes)
- Flight Number: UA4378. (On Time performance: 70 - Average Delay: 16 minutes)
- Flight Number: UA5725.
- Flight Number: UA6046. (On Time performance: 91 - Average Delay: 2 minutes)
- Flight Number: UA6072. (On Time performance: 74 - Average Delay: 8 minutes)
- Flight Number: UA6092. (On Time performance: 83 - Average Delay: 12 minutes)
- Flight Number: UA6098. (On Time performance: 67 - Average Delay: 6 minutes)
- Flight Number: UA6263. (On Time performance: 76 - Average Delay: 7 minutes)
- Flight Number: CON100. (On Time performance: 40 - Average Delay: 34 minutes)
United Airlines
- Flight Number: UA1396. (On Time performance: 65 - Average Delay: 13 minutes)
- Flight Number: UA4378. (On Time performance: 70 - Average Delay: 16 minutes)
- Flight Number: UA5725.
- Flight Number: UA6046. (On Time performance: 91 - Average Delay: 2 minutes)
- Flight Number: UA6072. (On Time performance: 74 - Average Delay: 8 minutes)
- Flight Number: UA6092. (On Time performance: 83 - Average Delay: 12 minutes)
- Flight Number: UA6098. (On Time performance: 67 - Average Delay: 6 minutes)
- Flight Number: UA6263. (On Time performance: 76 - Average Delay: 7 minutes)
Punctuality and delays
We have gathered data from recent months and present below an analysis of how timely the flights have been.
Delays analyzed by Weekday: We have gathered available data from last six months, spanning from August 02, 2024 to January 31, 2025. Next, you can observe the results broken down by day of the week: number of flights analyzed, on-time performance per day, and average delay per day.
Delays analyzed by Month: We have gathered available data from last twelve closed months, spanning from March 07, 2024 to January 31, 2025. Next, you can observe the results broken down by month: number of flights analyzed, on-time performance per month, and average delay per month.
In terms of On-Time Performance, by analyzing the flight data from the last three months, spanning from November 03, 2024 to January 31, 2025, we have obtained these figures.
Total number of flights: 75
On Time: 63 ( 84 % )
Moderate Delay: 2 ( 3 % )
Significant Delay: 5 ( 7 % )
Major Delay: 3 ( 4 % )
Canceled: 1 ( 1 % )
Diverted: 1 ( 1 % )
Average Delay: 11 minutes.
Total number of flights: 75
On Time: 63 ( 84 % )
Moderate Delay: 2 ( 3 % )
Significant Delay: 5 ( 7 % )
Major Delay: 3 ( 4 % )
Canceled: 1 ( 1 % )
Diverted: 1 ( 1 % )
Average Delay: 11 minutes.
Last Past Flights UA6089
06 February
06 February
04:27 pm
Houston (IAH)
Houston (IAH)
05:51 pm
Midland (MAF)
Midland (MAF)
01h 24min
Embraer 175 (E
Embraer 175 (E
Landed - On-time
05 February
05 February
04:25 pm
Houston (IAH)
Houston (IAH)
05:56 pm
Midland (MAF)
Midland (MAF)
01h 31min
Embraer 175 (E
Embraer 175 (E
Landed - On-time
04 February
04 February
04:23 pm
Houston (IAH)
Houston (IAH)
05:39 pm
Midland (MAF)
Midland (MAF)
01h 16min
Embraer 175 (E
Embraer 175 (E
Landed - On-time
03 February
03 February
04:21 pm
Houston (IAH)
Houston (IAH)
05:39 pm
Midland (MAF)
Midland (MAF)
01h 18min
Embraer 175 (E
Embraer 175 (E
Landed - On-time
02 February
02 February
04:25 pm
Houston (IAH)
Houston (IAH)
05:59 pm
Midland (MAF)
Midland (MAF)
01h 34min
Embraer 175 (E
Embraer 175 (E
Landed - On-time
31 January
31 January
04:26 pm
Houston (IAH)
Houston (IAH)
05:57 pm
Midland (MAF)
Midland (MAF)
01h 31min
Embraer 175 (E
Embraer 175 (E
Landed - On-time
30 January
30 January
04:57 pm
Houston (IAH)
Houston (IAH)
06:54 pm
Midland (MAF)
Midland (MAF)
01h 57min
Embraer 175 (E
Embraer 175 (E
Landed - Delayed
29 January
29 January
04:26 pm
Houston (IAH)
Houston (IAH)
05:49 pm
Midland (MAF)
Midland (MAF)
01h 23min
Embraer 175 (E
Embraer 175 (E
Landed - On-time
28 January
28 January
04:23 pm
Houston (IAH)
Houston (IAH)
06:07 pm
Midland (MAF)
Midland (MAF)
01h 44min
Embraer 175 (E
Embraer 175 (E
Landed - On-time
27 January
27 January
04:22 pm
Houston (IAH)
Houston (IAH)
06:02 pm
Midland (MAF)
Midland (MAF)
01h 40min
Embraer 175 (E
Embraer 175 (E
Landed - On-time