UA6263 United Airlines - Flight Status

The original flight was diverted and landed in a different airport than scheduled. This was the original departure airport:
Houston (IAH) - Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport
There is more than one flight with the same flight number on the same day. This is the other flight:
UA6263 Houston (IAH) to El Paso (ELP) Departure: 07:14 am Arrival: 08:16 am Check flight

Below, you can find details about United Airlines flight UA6263, which currently operates between the airports of El Paso - El Paso International Airport (Airport Code ELP) and Midland - Midland International Air and Space Port (Airport Code MAF).
This flight data pertains specifically to the flight's details for Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

Table of contents:
Flight Status Codeshare Flights
UA6263 On Time performance:
We have calculated the percentage of flights that arrived within 15 minutes of their scheduled time, or earlier, based on real flight data from the last 3 months. More about punctuality and delays

Flight Status

UA6263 United Airlines to Midland

Landed - Delayed
Delay: 93 minutes
Flight Status for Wednesday February 12, 2025
This flight was also scheduled for Yesterday (February 11, 2025). See it here

Airline information

United Airlines
United Airlines
Equipment: Embraer 175 (Enhanced Winglets)


El Paso (ELP)
February 12, 2025
El Paso International Airport
Departed at:
08:41 am
Scheduled Departure Time: 06:20 am


Midland (MAF)
February 12, 2025
Midland International Air and Space Port
Arrived at:
10:32 am
Scheduled Arrival Time: 08:59 am
Baggage: 2
The information displayed on this website is gathered from third-party providers with a wide reputation on the sector, which in turn obtain the information from the airlines. This data is provided only for informative purposes. assumes no responsibility for loss or damage as a result of relying on information posted here. Please contact your airline to verify flight status.

Codeshare Flights

This flight is shared with other airlines, this means that these other flights are the same:

- AC3865 - Air Canada